Thursday, 29 October 2015

Star Wars Diegetic & Non-Diegetic sounds

Diegetic: This is Sound what you can see and where it is coming from. The source of the sound is within a frame e.g. a radio, or explosion. 

Non-Diegetic: This is Sound which you can not see where is coming from, it could be music or a narrator which has been edited in after. 


In this scene it uses non-Diegetic sound. This part is effective to the audience as it shows the character is alone because of the the high pitched music, this gives tension and we get this feeling that everywhere is quite, dull and there is no one around. Also Because of this effect the audience begins to wonder who is that character, and what is the character doing?

In this scene our attention is drawn to the increase in narration of the character on screen and increase of music as well, this has a tense impact on the audience and causes us to feel more excited. It makes his voice stand out and shows that he is evil.

In this scene it uses Non-Diegetic sound . Here the music  builds up and gets louder .This creates tension as action is being taken place and makes the audience want to watch more. It also makes it exciting to see what is happening and makes you want to watch the film.

Diegetic sounds

This scene uses Diegetic sound. The sound of spaceships shooting and exploding, you can easily see were the sound is coming from. This effects the audience by making us excited and also tense. Exciting because it is a spaceship battle in the air and would be very intense. Also this does use non diegetic sound because of the very heroic music in the background. 

Here, the director has used diegetic sound. the main sound we can here is the lightsaber being hit against each other that implies that it is a dangerous scene. The audience would want to watch more because we don't know what happens next as the trailer cuts the scene midway through he lifts the lightsaber into the air. The sound of the lightsaber gets louder and more climatic throughout the scene and gives of a very intense feel.

Diegetic sound in this scene is the sound of bullets from all different directions being shot. This is Diegetic sound because the bullet sounds are coming from the many different spaceships. This creates tension for the audience because they don't no which side is going to win. Also the audience could be feeling excited to see what happens next as a lot of different actions are being taken place. This also makes the audience want to watch more to see what side wins.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Trailer

Mise en Scene

In this scene one of Ramona's evil ex's comes through the roof. We can tell this character is quite strange and weird from when he comes through the roof. His hair and make up are not something an normal person would wear every day. Also his make up by his eyes make him look a bit evil and his clothes are very old. As well as, his hair covering half his face makes I'm look mysterious.

 This scene is set in Scott's apartment, the clothes in the middle of the floor show that he is a lazy character. All of the video games and DVD's in the  corner imply that Scott hasn't got an fun social life. He is sat right behind the door, desperate for his parcel to get delivered by Ramona. Most of the room and clothes are mostly dull and not bright.

In this scene Scott has been trying to find a girl in a party and his facial expressions show that he has finally found her because he looks at the girl for a couple of seconds in shock, which could also say that he loves her. However the Ramona doesn't seem to know who Scott is yet and her facial expressions don't change and show she is not bothered about Scott.   



Saturday, 10 October 2015

The Martian Trailer - Screenshot Analyisis

This is a extreme long shot that is showing the planet. The effect of this is to show how big the planet mars is and where the scene is going to be set.

This is a long shot that is getting closer to the ship in the distance. Its is getting closer to where the scene is going to happen and showing more detail of the surroundings. Also this could be an  extreme long shot as well.

This is an extreme close up to show the character facial expressions. The effect of this that its trying to show that the astronaut is in shock and  waking up. So it only shows his face and no background so viewer can easily see.

This is a mid shot, only showing is waist and up, also only a little bit of background. This is showing what the character looks like and what state he is in.

This could also be a long shot because of the camera being able to see the full body. This is showing that the character is doing something and you can see that clearly.

This is a two shot because it is showing two characters in on shot. The effect of this is to show the characters are having a conversation
with one an other.